Taking Out The Trash – Remove the Negative Influence In Your Life

The Key Is Positive Influence & Positive Thinking

There comes a time in all our life’s when it’s time to do a bit of house cleaning. I mean some deep down elbow grease, on your hands and knees, sweating it out. They say we are what we eat. Well I truly believe we also are who we hang out with, we are what we watch, what we read and what ever else we poison our minds with. I truly hope you realize I am not talking about food here. I am merely talking about a cleanse. A cleanse of the mind and soul if you will. By all means to a cleanse of the body too! Whatever suits your fancy.Think Positive

There’s a ton of motivational material, motivational speakers, theta waves and other music to help keep us on a positive successful path. One thing found in common with materials, speakers and the writers of motivational materials. They mention to surround yourself with successful people. Surround your self with people who are positive etc, etc.

When they say you have to remove negative influences in your life. They don’t just mean people, whether it be friends or family. But it applies to removing negative mediums as well; such as newspapers and magazines, TV, music and any other type of medium you can think of that portrays a negative ambiance.

Its up to you to filter out the crap!

Think of it this way, a good friend and colleague of mine said it best. “Bad news keeps people scared, and scared people listen to whoever seems to be in control.” So take control of your life! Surround yourself with what you want to be. You want to be happy, find happy friends, you want success, hang out with successful people. Stay away from Debbie downer and and the local depressing news station.

Instead of buying that newspaper go get a book on positive thinking or how to be successful. Pick up a magazine on the newest entrepreneurs or the newest coolest tech or clothing line.

What I am trying to say is there’s so many good people out there and so much good material. Why succumb or conform to what the masses are doing? Are you going to continue being a sheep? Or are you going to put on your robe and be a Sheppard? Be the Alpha of the wolf pack. You can do it! Believe in yourself and take control! Get rid of the trash immediately.

“This is one of the greatest laws in the universe. Fervently do I wish I had discovered it as a very young man. It dawned upon me much later in life and I found it to be one of the greatest, if not my greatest discovery, outside my relationship to God. And the great law briefly and simply stated is that if YOU think NEGATIVE terms, you’ll get NEGATIVE results. If you’ll think in POSITIVE terms, you will achieve POSITIVE results. That is the simple fact which is at the basis of an astonishing law of prosperity and success. In three words, ‘BELIEVE AND SUCCEED’.”

– Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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  1. Stephen Mcgouran August 17, 2016
    • Peter August 24, 2016
  2. Manny August 19, 2016
    • Peter August 28, 2016
  3. Wil August 21, 2016
    • Peter August 30, 2016
  4. Alan August 23, 2016
    • Peter September 15, 2016
  5. Tom August 23, 2016
    • Peter September 15, 2016
  6. Ben August 26, 2016
    • Peter September 16, 2016
  7. IllusiozTan August 28, 2016
    • Peter October 19, 2016

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