“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan “Press On” has solved and will always solve the problems of the human race.”
– Calvin Coolidge
Great quote! Oh how true that statement is, even if it is from a Republican President. Just kidding. Never heard this one and quite surprised as it’s a good one too.
This applies just about to any field on may venture into, that is the beauty of this quote. Committing this one to memory. Thanks for sharing this.
That’s great that I was able to share this with you! I enjoy your humor as well. LOL
I really enjoy this one as well. I have it saved in my phone with my other motivational quotes.
Hi Pete,
Persistence is key, I like that title!
Do you have experience with that fact? Giving up and all that?
The online world is so big and I can imagine people get lost somehow..
I see some banners on your site, do you recommend these too?
I have not tried binary options yet, but am interested and I like to know what your findings are.
Hi Kit,
I certainly have some projects I have put on the back burner and others I have totally thrown in the towel on over the years. Trying to change that and always complete something I start. it;s important to do so consciously and subconsciously.
Funny you should ask about binary options…. I have yet to filter my google ads. As for me I am highly against binary options. I find with them they are border line scam. The ones who make the money are the ones who refer you and you get sucked in and the owners of the particular program they give you.
Now that you have mentioned them. I will do a write up on them. Though they will be going in my bad column and I will be sure to outline why.
Thanks for that! Hope this helps.
Persistence is the key to many things in our lives, if we can stay persistence good things will happen for us.
People have problems staying motivated when things are not happening quick enough, do you have any suggestions on motivation for them?
I am goal oriented, motivation dos not seem difficult for me I just keep moving forward sometimes slow as a turtle but i never give up.
Well, I think the saying goes “different strokes for different folks”. What motivates you may not motivate me. Depends where the passion is and what your goals are. Generally, people find self help books, public speakers, motivational videos and music to bring them up. You will find people like to try and surround themselves with successful people or have one, maybe more, mentors.
Then there’s the extreme one. Some people are stuck in a rut for so long they have to hit “rock bottom” basically to seek motivation and move on.
If you want to stay motivated in something, build yourself a routine and stick to it. No matter how difficult things get, do not give up, keep pushing on. The things that happen in life are merely obstacles not road blocks. A challenge followed by another and another.
No one owes you anything. Life is what you make it.
Great Quote. Without persistence and dedication nothing is possible. If our forefathers did not have this quality we would still be living in caves.
Persistence is a great quality everyone must have to make themselves more successful and happy.
Today to many people give up when they face rejection. If they would only be persistent who knows what they could accomplish.
Thanks for sharing this quote.
Thanks for the good words John!
Take rejection by the horns and keep on keeping on!
Hey Pete, so true, what a great quote. I came to this page at just the right time. Whenever you feel like giving up, just push on and push through. By being persistent a person can achieve anything in life and it is definitely the key to achieve great success. Thanks for that!
That’s a very powerful quote, I’ve never seen it before. I especially like the last line – I think it should be more widely used (especially in the education system) because it seems as though people like to give up, or choose the easy options in life and get less in return. Thank you for sharing.