Life without a purpose, is like a ship without a rudder. You will always be lost if you don’t know where you want to go in life. Find your bliss. Do something (for work) that really makes you happy. It has been said before and I will say it again, “Don’t set compensation of your goal. Find work you like (love) and the compensation will follow.”
Just imagine the quality of work done when you truly LOVE what you do. Successful people choose to get paid based on results and the average Joe chooses to get paid based on time.
“Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things!! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. ” – Napoleon Hill
Do what ever it takes to find your direction in life, discover your purpose in life, find your bliss, push forward and never give up.
I personally find those three words particularly moving. They (to me) make so much sense and is totally right. You ever notice when you truly enjoy doing something, you do it for hours and have no regard to time? I find myself in these moments like “hey, it’s five ‘o’ clock I should go make some food and continue this after.” Three hours later I’m still doing what I was doing and did not go make food. When you can do this for “work” that is a wonderful thing!
This is a cool article name! What would you recommend to find what you really love? I find that to be the hardest part of beginning a life of true bliss. I mean, finding out what you want is truly the hardest part. When you figure that out then you can push forward!
I find that it will take a lot of us almost our entire lifetime to find what are true bliss is. There’s stories upon stories out there, whether it be from books, friends or family. If you can approach something with passion and never want to stop doing it then you may have found it.
T. Harv. Eker wrote a book called ” The Secrets of the millionaire mind” you can see here ->
I think he explains much better than I. But in a nutshell I have found the purpose to life is helping others. As he said you help a few people you make a little money. You help a lot of people you make a lot of money!
That is the path im taking to find my bliss and what really makes me happy.
Peter, you are so right. If you can do something you enjoy, it’s no longer work and you’re exactly correct, you get lost in the moment. With work, you’re constantly looking at the clock to see when you can quit. What a contrast. You’re also correct, even with what you enjoy, you need to push on and not give up. Appreciate your thoughts.
Hey Thad!
I really appreciate your kind words! After reading a few books over the last two years, it was time to change focus. I hope I can help more people and motivate them to reach beyond their wildest dreams!
You’re very welcome by the way.
Love this. So important to find something you love
Thank you Fay! I’m glad you like this. =)
It is very difficult for people who dream to be successful, to go against the grain. Even though you are striving to live the life that you want to, society for some reason, will be strongly against that.
Now I already have a purpose that I am working for, but definitely haven’t felt any blissful moments yet. Maybe in time to come, when the results start to show, then people around me will start supporting me.
Great inspirational article!
I love this post because is so true. I feel I am finally doing what I truly love and the time truly does just pass by unnoticed. I find it hard to find balance though. Like you said, sometimes you think you need to make some food and then three hours later you still haven’t made any-I find this happens to me when I know I should go to bed because if I don’t I will be tired the next day, but I find myself so engrossed in what I am doing that suddenly it is 12.30am and I have to get up early the bet day. I am trying to prioritise but my head gets so caught up in so many ideas! How do you balance your life when it comes to doing what you love? Thanks for the inspiration.
Finding balance is often a tough one. Believe it not writing down the things you are thingking about now will help you in the morning. A fresh mind works better and more efficiently than a fatigued one. Even though you may think you are producing results! Have you eve gone back to look at work created the night before? then go “wow” and have to make all sorts of corrections. lol
In my other response to someone I said – “The easiest way is to take a step back. Take a few deep breaths. We know the ultimate goal is financial freedom. So I’m in no way a professional therapist or anything. But starting a list of mini goals, kind of like steps of where you want to go. Will get you in the right direction. As you complete these mini goals you will see that motivation comes back.”
He too was questioning balance between loving what he does but losing motivation.
Step back and detach for a bit. Get some quality sleep! Take notes to branch off of tomorrow with a fresh mind.
Hope this helps!
Hi Pete,
I enjoyed your article. I think your right people are born with a purpose. Because ever since I was little I always wanted to write books. Recently I did, published 2 books last year. I know for certain that my purpose in life is to help others. That’s something I’ve been doing since I was little. So thanks for the article and the encouraging words!
Hi Valerie,
I am so happy you enjoyed this article. I see we have some common ground in argreeing that we are all born with purpose. I also believe that even though we may have a primary purpose, I feel that to some degree our secondary purpose is to help others. How good does it feel to help someone? How good does it feel to BE helped when you need it most? Amazing, right?
I commend you on publishing two books! That is awesome! I hope you share them with me.
Thanks again and you’re welcome,
WOW your website was very powerful and you should be proud of youself because I am proud for you even through I am a newbie It is so real and I thought that it would grab anyone attention and make them think, keep up the good work!
Thanks for the kind remarks! I will do my best to continue to deliver quality content and keep everyone informed of the scams out there!
WOW this is a nice web page I enjoyed it very much it is also so true. I liked the way you put the website in order and arranged it in a way that would make people reach out. keep up the good work I know I am a newbie but I have seen quiet a bit of scams.
Thank you very much! I will keep the content coming as quick as I can. There are an abundance of scams out there!
I also do agree on the importance of “loving” what you do. If you love what you do and constantly have fun with what you do, then your journey to your goal won’t be so rough.
Of course, no matter how much you are in tuned with what you do, you will still have not so pleasant days. But still, it depends on your ability to still love and have fun and look at it from a positive angle will help you out so much than to just grit it out all the time.
We definitely can’t win all the days! The positive side for me when I look at doing what I love. I look at the results. When you truly love something and have a great passion for it, the results you get out of it are far superior to that of which you do as “normal everyday work”. AKA The 9-5 job you despise. You get out what you put in. Results from love and passion are truly amazing.